Friday, November 26, 2010

Ragababe Black Friday Basement Giveaway!

Some awesome stuff here!

What's up for grabs? Over $90 worth of RagaBabe products!

1 Squiggles print RagaBabe 'Easy' AIO diaper of any size w/ organic liner
--the white, green and wine colors make it a great Christmas diaper!
1 RagaBabe Organic cotton insert or doubler for night use
1 RagaBabe Hanging Laundry Bag (White)--you can never have too many
1 RagaBabe 'Take-Along' Wet Bag --Black with an emerald green snap
1 Bundle of 10 RagaBabe Organic Cloth Wipes

How do I enter?

All entries must be posted below the picture of the giveaway items. Each comment counts as an entry.

1) GO to and look around at our site and store. Come back and share something from our site that lets us know you were there. (1 entry allowed for this option)

2) SHARE about our Black Friday Giveaway on your personal facebook page, your fan page (or another facebook fan page if they say it's okay), or anywhere outside of the web where sharing about giveaways is permitted. Be sure to include the link to our page. (3 entries allowed for this option if you share in 3 places. Just post the link of where you shared as separate comments.)

3) GIVE US IDEAS for great Christmas gifts for our kids that are homemade or MADE IN THE USA!!! (1 comment/entry allowed)

Why is this called a basement giveaway?

Because we are a new cloth diaper company (growing very quickly) that is entirely family owned and operated and we work out of a big beautiful basement full of RagaBabes :)


If this giveaway gets us up to 2000 fans before we draw the winner on Friday, we'll select 2 MORE WINNERS to win your choice of a wet bag or bundle of wipes, so invite your friends and spread the word!

Winner will be chosen the evening of BLACK FRIDAY. Prize will ship to addresses in the US or Canada.

For AWESOME DEALS on RagaBabe stuff, see details on our Black Friday and November Specials on our website. You'll LOVE your new Rags :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010


So over the headaches every day, and the fatigue. Bleh, and the insomnia. I can't sleep, but when I do finally go, I can't wake up. So exhausted in the mornings.

I am working on the kitty headband and warmers for my oldest daughter. I hate knitting things that require you to make 2. I get one done, and then end up with just one, because I don't want to do it again. So, I made the one, and now I'm trying to break up the monotony by making some (requested) wrist warmers for my mother. Oh joy! Another twosie knitted gift. I should make scarves or something. Maybe I would, but they live in the southern States. Hot. Wool + Florida = self roasting. I am thinking about getting Ysolda Teague's Whimsical Little Knits and making the Mousie and Poppy for the girls. No clue what to make the boys.

Today is Thanksgiving. Even though we are in Canada, we're celebrating again. I am very thankful for my life, my family, my few friends. Eric has to work tomorrow as it is not a holiday here, but I will be making us a yummy dinner. You know, marrying a Canadian, our dinner choices are so different. I grew up in South Texas eating Tex Mex stuff, he's a plain (and I do mean PLAIN) meat and potatoes guy. The food they eat here is so bland. I like spices and heat and flavor and grease, ha ha.

I need to blog more. Facebook has just taken over my blogging time. It's so addicting.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I just finished my Capucine hat this morning. I love it. I'm not too fond of the blue in mine, but I love the style. I need to find some bulky green yarn. I used Bernat Softee Chunky in Teal Twists for this.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Tomorrow's forecast: High of 33F, low of 25F. I need to learn metric. I don't know all my conversions. Yay for being taught in the States.

Is this thing on?

I started out using Livejournal years ago, but since they started the bs with having to pay or you get these overly annoying ads in your face, I gave it up. Fiddled with a bit, but I think I might stay here at blogger.

I haven't really blogged much in the past few years. Life has been really hectic. REALLY hectic. Moving back and forth all over the place, dealing with custody battles, lack of employment. Bleh. It is so hard to find a job, much less a decent job in the States. We had to come back to Canada so my husband could get a decent job.

We're currently so far north, I feel like we should be living in an igloo and driving a sled to work, dogs included. It snowed a few weeks ago, a foot or so. Brrr. Coming from South Texas, I am so not used to this. So here I am in 30F degree weather. Shivering. Teeth chattering... but... I am with my husband and children. That's all that matters 'eh?

Going to be homeschooling Ryan here soon. I am a bit nervous. New to this. We'll see how it goes. I'm sure once we get rolling, we'll be fine.

I'm also going to be starting on Lily's citizenship. Lots of paperwork to get it done, and then 10 months to wait for approval. Why 10 months? How long does it take to look at two birth certificates and say "yep, she's a keeper." The rest of us have to go through an even more rigorous process. Ryan, Emelie and I will be working on our permanent residency. I will try to keep a running tally on dates and stuff, when we send off. Mainly so I know how long it's taking. I hate waiting, so impatient.