Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Not feeling so hot

Run down. That's what I feel like. I still need to finish knitting some stuff for everyone, but I just can't get motivated.

Ryan and Emelie's school books came in, so after the holidays we'll be starting on that.

I really wish I had a sewing machine/serger here. I wanna sew not knit right now, maybe that's the problem with the slow knitting. I need a change of pace.

I started working on a Poppy doll for Alanna, which I am modifying into a Coraline doll. Seems to be going pretty easy so far. Slacking, though. I need to get her gifts done and sent.

Need energy and motivation. If anyone finds a good discount on these, please let me know!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

So busy!

I haven't been posting much lately... just trying to get my christmas stuff made. I have so much stuff I need to get done, and been procrastinating badly.

Hopefully I will be able to order Ryan's homeschooling supplies this week, and get started on that soon. I think he's pretty excited.

I've been trying to get organized. I bought a printer so I could print out my patterns (knitting, crocheting and sewing) and a binder to put them in. Also picked up a plastic storage drawer thingy to put my yarn and needles in. I need more than just this small 3 drawer one, but at least it is neater. The husband doesn't like my crafting all over the desk. I don't blame him, yarn was falling off the top. I love being surrounded by yarn and fabric.

Speaking of fabric, I really want to get a serger so I can start making stuff for the kids. My sewing machine is back in Texas. Blah. Hopefully for christmas we can afford one. *crosses fingers*